Here's a little landscape sketch, oil on paper. Paper is ok as an oil painting surface if it's triple primed with gesso. Make sure you prime in alternating directions ... 1st coat horizontally, let dry; 2nd coat vertically, let dry; final coat horizontally again, and when it's dry to the touch you can paint. And use a good paper .... this is a marvelous French watercolour block ... lots of tooth.
I'm seeing some interest in landscapes these days, which baffles me. Landscapes seem like something absolutely anybody can do, especially this sketchy style ... easy and fast. Honestly, I think it took longer to set up the easel on the porch than it did to paint the little picture .... and I was rushing to set it up, to catch the yellow sky before it went dark. The yellow sky is a favorite symbol for me .... saying true love is a force ... and after the mayhem of this violent storm look what happened ... the sky turned yellow.