Here's the completed Roxy sketch. It's 16x16, on coarse linen over panel. Took just under 20 hours, minus board prep (have become semi-obsessed with the actual time it takes to produce these pieces).
Although it may not be obvious to the viewer, the painting technique used on this canvass is quite a bit different compared with the finer, smooth linen generally used for portraits. Glazing (thin semi-transparent layers of color) is not really viable on this surface. What works instead is to lay in dark and medium tones as a base, and then apply thick highlights on top, with just the right amount of the base showing through ... not particularly forgiving, but highly energetic when it works.
The client couldn't decide between the formal portrait and sketch, so commissioned both. I'm really excited about the formal piece ... for that project and one other in progress (Josie) I'm seeing a tangle of intricate, floating background elements .... not precisely sure how the details will play out, but the feeling we will have is vivid ... I love getting back on the path from some time ago. Have been researching the idea browsing other artists on Instagram ... seems like I'm not the only one out there exploring a contemporary take on the theme (plus my cyber-tribe helps with isolation, which I admittedly cultivate, but probably isn't that practical over the long run). Very exciting creative time, a fresh embrace of the eternal ... I love how my muse is always in my dreams ... I promise you, there's nothing like painting in one's sleep. Wow!