Here's progress on Hail and Farewell, with Roxy basically finished. Working the figure has been straightforward enough ... the real decisions have been around integrating the dog with the surroundings. My intention here is to create a wallpaper type background, but I don't want her to be floating in the middle of the canvass ... so how much interior-space-illusion to create? Naturally, the shadow under the figure plants her on the carpet. And I opened the form slightly around the shadow shoulder because nothing says "figure floating in space" like an entirely closed form. She will certainly evolve more as the rest of the background elements take shape.

What I love right now is the tender expression on her face. Sure hope that comes through on the photograph. I seem to be awash this evening in tender gazes from quadrupeds .... and listening to "Always on My Mind" by Willie Nelson, just to complete the package. Anyway... such a great feeling .... tenderness tonight .... and swirling botanicals first thing in the morning.  


Roxy done.jpg